It is informed that Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Saindwar, Chandpur, Bijnor Uttar Pradesh is situated in Saindwar Village adjacent to Dattiyana village. Its connectivity from Bus Stand & Railway Station is 06 KMs only. All medical facilities are availed from CHC (Community Health Centre) Siau, Chandpur in cases of emergencies. It is a residential & Co-educational Vidyalaya where 546 students study together in English medium from Class-IX-XII. We have two streams in the Vidyalaya-Science and Humanities Stream. Every year 10-12 students are migrated to JNV Bishnupur, Manipur from our Vidyalaya and ViceVersa. New students are admitted in the Vidyalaya through Lateral Entry if there are vacancies in Class-IX & XI. We also have Mini Migration in Class-XI from JNVs of Agra Cluster.