A visionary dreamt of lighting candles in the hearts of others by providing quality education to rural people. With his hard earned money he willingly made generous donation towards the purchase of 8.8 acres of land to open a learning centre, in the year 1961 and thus a dream got fulfilled and under the chairmanship of Honble Bar. S.K. Wankhede, the then Finance Minister, Govt. Of Maharashtra and working President K.K Chandak and with Goodwill and Co-Operation of Ex-Secretary G.M. Deshmukh, Ex-Commisioner Shri Dinkarrao Deshmukh and Ex-Treasurer Shri. Shrikishandasji Nabira , Shikshan Prasarak Mandal (SPM) was founded in 1961 and itself marched ahead at the eye-catching speed.
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